Archive for November, 2013

I Have To Go To A New Church?

Posted: November 18, 2013 in Uncategorized

Going to college forces you to leave a lot of things behind. Some of these things like clothes and pictures you get to choose to leave or not, but other things like friends or even your family you have to leave. Another thing that you can’t bring with you to college is your home church. As college students, if you’re looking for a new church to go to, you can either get lucky and find one quickly, or you have to do what my roommates and I are starting to do: church-hop. Church hopping is when you check out a new church every Sunday until you find one that you like or would want to go back to. In C.S. Lewis’ novel The Screwtape Letters, Screwtape, a demon who has been writing letters to his nephew Wormwood, references this act of church hopping as a way to bring down his patient. “The next best thing is to send him all over the neighborhood looking for the church that ‘suits’ him until he becomes a taster or connoisseur of churches.” (81) He continues on to give reasons why this would be a beneficial thing for the demons, saying that churches become like clubs which could leave people out, and also that the searcher becomes like a critic to new churches until he finds one that is “suitable.” I believe that this tactic is easily applicable to today and can still work on people, simply through my own experience.

This past Sunday my roommates and I finally started checking out churches to go to. We went to a church that one of our old friends had gone to when he was in college. As soon as we got there I started judging the church “Wow this is pretty small.” “There are a lot of old people here, where are all of the younger people like us?” “This worship seems a little off.” “Is this a good sermon, I can’t tell.” These are just a few of the many thoughts that crossed my mind while I was at the service, thoughts that could ultimately lead me away from God. Just like any other church hopper, if I were to get into the habit of judging churches, I might never find the best one for me. I was putting myself in a position where I knew what was the best church for me, where in reality I should have just taken in the experience instead of judging it. No church will be like my home church that I went to for years, I just need to leave it up to God to show me where my right “fit” is for now.

Lewis, C. S. The Screwtape Letters. New York: Macmillan, 1943. Print.


3 in 1

Posted: November 3, 2013 in Uncategorized

People celebrate holidays for many different reasons. It could be for fun, to celebrate, to get over a rough day, to remember a good one, heck people make up holidays just to get over having to go to work. What it comes down to is people finding a certain day special enough to celebrate it. Everyone has their special days, whether it be birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, or even Easter. For me my family holidays have always been a little different because I am a triplet. So that pretty much means we get holidays x3 especially on July 1, our birthday. Our birthday has looked a little bit different over the years but the one thing that we can not get away from is that we were all born on the same day, so what do you do? Do you celebrate all at once? Do you give everyone their own individual party? My parents actually left it up to us. When we were younger we chose to have two separate parties, one for me, and one for my two sisters (because girls had cooties back then and we men didn’t want any of that.) Each of us even got our own cake.

6372_1135755045469_5209042_nOnce the three of us grew up and my maturity caught up to my sisters we started having joint parties, because girls became a little more interesting than their cooties, and also leading to a singular cake. The past couple years our birthday has devolved into a family dinner and hanging out with friends, but in my eyes nothing really beats that. I still remember one of my favorite birthdays parties. My mom had taken me and my sisters out to lunch to celebrate, we went to California Pizza Kitchen. We had a party planned for a little later in the day so the three of us were excited, but we had no idea what awaited us back home. As we pulled into the back driveway something seemed a little off. I ended up being the one to open the gate, and get drenched with water. “SURPRISE!!!” It was a big group of all of our friends aptly equipped with water guns, water balloons and a hose.  Our parents had gotten us with a surprise party, and we didn’t even expect it. We thanked them by given them big wet hugs so that they could join in in the fun.