What did they say?

Posted: September 28, 2013 in Uncategorized

“The first draft of anything is s**t.” Ernest Hemingway

            This is the story of anything I have ever tried to sit down and seriously write. I tend to process things verbally so my writing comes out as choppy and unorganized, which doesn’t sound very good to read. So taking advice from good ol’ Ernest, I always have to re-read or have someone else read an essay that I write. From experience I have learned that I need to take writing step by step, or to break it up into sections. In my junior year English class my teacher focused on our writing a lot. We would write each essay paragraph by paragraph and then put it all together in the end. This gave me more chances to look at my previous writing and realize, like the quote states so eloquently, that my first drafts are always……bad.

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” Douglas Adams

            Procrastination is a terrible thing, a terrible thing that has haunted me for years. It is way too easy for me to say “Oh! This and that aren’t due until next week; I’ll just do them then.” Procrastination becomes a way of life, and the more you do it, the easier it is to procrastinate. Even now as I approach my 12:00 posting deadline I realize how much I put things off until the end. Sometimes people put out their best work under pressure, but for me that’s not always true. If we look at both quotes together, they actually are related. The first draft of anything won’t be very good, especially if you procrastinate. Also if you wait to do something you might only have time for one draft, leaving it at the Hemingway quote suggests, sub-par. 

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